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on another post i asked what folks thought about the lesser dieties and spirits etc. what about superstitions? anyone have do and don'ts regarding good or bad fortune? or anything else...

hankster 9 July 26

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I carefully train myself to avoid them if I can, and I love to deliberately flaunt my contempt for some of them, such as doing my laundry and hanging it out on Sunday.

But in youth I did used to salute magpies, ( Ornithomancy. ) and I still do, not because I think it will alter my luck, but just because it is a fun thing to do, magpies are cute.


If you see #3 it recognizes bankers, (rich powerful), and "good" people like Kit Carson and "heroes " like Daniel Boone as being deity.

Even if you consider them "lesser" deity, they no less are considered deiry and exist. Atheism by definition and premise is that NONE exist. Atheism illogical.

Word Level 8 July 26, 2021

I'm not sure if it's superstition or not, but I never buy more than one lottery ticket for any given drawing.
I also never change my own oil.

@hankster It depends on how long it takes for the oil light to come on.

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