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Parental Units

My parents were...

  • 5 votes
  • 9 votes
  • 16 votes
skado 9 July 28

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They did the best they knew how, so not great. I used to be bitter about some of their parenting but both have passed and so has any ill feelings I may have had.. I try to remember the good things.


I responded mostly decent and they truly were the caveat is my mom's approach to child rearing was divide and conquer. We were each isolated in orbits around her. Weird dynamic. Dad worked mom was home cooking, cleaning, raising the kids but she was not happy about it but did her best.
So while the poll covers a superficial view the dynamics of a family unit can be much more complicated.



What was your answer?

better than I deserved


Fanastic !!


None of those. My father was an absent scoundrel; my mother was my best friend until she died.

A. One or both...

@skado Easy for you to say.


Yep. It’s my poll. 😁


I guess “mostly decent” comes closest as my answer, with the caveats that they were two amazing people who survived some of the worst that history and humanity had to offer yet more than gave me the love, tools and examples I needed to survive and thrive in good times and bad.

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