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LINK Trump blows fuse over GOP moving forward on infrastructure deal | TheHill

So when Trump said he wanted an infrastructure bill, he didn't want that. He wanted to say he was in favor of infrastructure knowing it wouldn't pass.

barjoe 9 July 29

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Trump wanted to do infrastructure but could not figure out a way to get a cut on the money flowing. WHen it was on the news that one of his contractors was going to kickback some $ the whole thing disappeared. Apparently, all the infrastructure fixed itself overnight.

he wanted only his building friends ....or the ones that paid him to was gonna be a horrible scam for tax payers but he got sidelined shutting down the gov and other scams


Who fucking cares what Trump has to say, why so many people in this country hang on his every word is beyond me......


Joe, WTF is Trump's real beef?

He's a piece of shit. He always had been.

@barjoe That doesn't answer my question. It seems to me that Trump said nothing relevant to the matter in hand - the need for the USA to renovate what should have happened but instead was spent on war & interfering in other democracries freedom.

he needs to be president so he can't be put in jail

@whiskywoman mmm I guess if he said that it's an admission of guilt.

he has tons of imagined beefs he always has every word he doesn't like every comment that is not flattering is suck in his huge craw....I think he actually hates the usa because he got denied by all the banks and he had to do bankruptcy so he wants the usa to fail

@whiskywoman Interesting comment.

@FrayedBear he has always been that way he gets offended and sues

@whiskywoman sounds very thin skinned American.

@FrayedBear its been well known for many years .... I screamed at my computer when I heard ppl spouting his great business sense....he has been a con and a joke for 30 yrs not paying bills causing others to go out of business and then claiming bankruptcy

@whiskywoman I'll add to it thin skinned con man.
Should have been retrospectively aborted?


Trumpy does not like that, Waa Waa Waa What a FH.


Not surprised at all

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