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I think the January 6 efforts, the maintenance of the Big Lie about the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election (in defiance of the majority of voters!), some of the other outrageous actions taken during the Trump Presidency (such as slowing down the mail system in order to force people to vote in person and thus killing some of them in the Pandemic), and the ongoing effort to subvert the rule of law (by corrupting the voting system) and take over the Federal Government of the US, is something that we should possibly be referring to as "Treason". This is a Poll to ask what others think of using that word.

Are Trump and some of his allies committing Treason?

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kmaz 7 July 30

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A few months after Trump’s inauguration, Congress should have impeached, convicted, removed and made him ineligible for future elections for lying.

Further, the GOP went bad circa 1960 when the Birchers were able to expel moderates. America had earned Trump.


Treason is the wrong charge. Try sedition.

Thanks, I haven't had time to study both words properly in composing this post, but I'll try to find time later to look into it. Trump himself threw the word "treason" around a bit going back some years in a way that I thought was just absolutely alarming, and I'm assuming that if we apply the correct words (whatever they may be) and start using them more often, then we would hear much the same from him and his allies, back at us. Not that this should make a difference to shining sunlight on what he is doing, but I just want to lay it out - he may tend to try to get out front and accuse others of the sorts of things he himself does.

Given Trump's fealty to Putin, Treason should still be among the charges. As the first half of Mueller's report was completely disregarded during the first Impeachment, and didn't look at the finances at all, it should be investigated now. The FBI should now be empowered to review Mueller's findings with freedom to follow the money.

@racocn8 True.

From these three definitions of sedition, insurrection and treason, I think sedition applies to Trump, probably treason (as noted by others, the Russia aspect) and perhaps insurrection, but I don't know about this last.

With respect to my points above, the word "treason" does not apply to most of those points as well as the word "sedition", though I did leave room open for all the other outrage that went on during the Presidency, including the Russia angle.


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