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Another little-known part of our white supremacist history.

Lorajay 9 July 30

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Been familiar with this atrocity for a while

bobwjr Level 10 July 31, 2021

And there are many, many instances of racists in small southern towns either chasing Blacks out, beating them, or killing them if they refused to leave. These do not appear in history books, but they really happened. I know. I grew up in one such small town.


There are many of these, far far more than we know.
I know more about Native American victims of white atrocities but you would be shocked at how many African Americans didn’t know about Tulsa.
A lot of white washing of American history has to be undone. American whites don’t want to hear it. At least Germans acknowledge the crimes of Nazi Germany. That’s race, we need to investigate women victims through the decades too. I knew many girls my age that just dropped off the face of the Earth since the 1960’s.

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