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LINK Heartbreaking reality of a teenage girl's sex life | Daily Mail Online

I know that bashing porn is not likely to win hearts and minds here in Agnostic-land. But porn has changed so much since my own youth, and I have heard from a number of young women how harsh and unloving "hook-up culture" has been for them. I am talking about the billion-dollar industry of pornography, NOT teenagers swapping selfies, although I am sure that all those nude pix are also due to the ubiquitous influence of porn. Is anybody willing to admit that watching hours and hours of increasingly extreme pornography is having negative repercussions on the interactions between so-called lovers? Does anybody miss romance, and intrigue, and seduction? Finally, how should we (as a society) regulate pornography? Can it be regulated? There is a lot of hateful stuff out there that seems to circulate endlessly.

sunhatpat 6 July 31

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If we were a healthy society to begin with, porn wouldn't have it's popularity and certainly wouldn't be addictive. We are in what I call 'the brine' and cannot know what balanced, healthy, natural living is like. The best examples are mostly in history and the few surviving matriarchal cultures that didn't suffer the scourge of male domination because of remote locations.

With male exclusive usurpation of power and degradation of females and children to a property status our sexuality couldn't become anything BUT sick. If pickles or olives could think and and be self-aware, they'd have no clue about how it is in their natural states and functions. We cannot know what life was like when women had parity in the formation and conduct of societies and children were protected as everyones children, not the exclusive property of owner-fathers who also owned their mothers and dictated standards of acceptable sexuality.

To the male ownership orientation, sex is also a commodity and can only be controlled as such by dictating the acceptable and legal kinds of sexual behaviors that are permitted. Pornography is a substitute for the cravings male dominated societies CREATE by their very destructive 'rules of the game' favoring trading and profit from access to sex, both real AND artificial. When primary drives can be realized and fulfillment experienced there are no needs for the artificial and compulsive substitutes that both pornography and prostitution offer.

Regulate pornography? It's very existence is owed to regulation of an extreme and barbaric kind, of natural, primary sexual drives young people experience and are also denied.


It is regulated. They can't use minors. If this is what adults want to do, it is ok by me and is no bodoy's business. If we weren't such a sexually repressed society it would not be such a big industry. Utah watches more porn than any other state. Think about that.


Porn is fine, as I understand it no one keeps watching porn after they finish rubbing one out, so there goes the theory of people watching for hours and hours.
Most porn is consensual and the small fraction that isn’t is criminal and deserves to be prosecuted as much as possible.
Most of the concerns about pornography is extravagantly exaggerated. Repressive social dynamics lead to abnormal sexual appetites that require extensive therapy and is a mental health issue but not a pervasive issue.
You do know that most of the gay porn is watched in the Bible Belt and Deep South where sex is shameful right?
When someone logs into my work website we know by the IP address where they’re logging in from unless they use a VPN, and it’s tracked for us automatically by Amazon Web Services who also hosts about 33% of the World Wide Web which is far more than google’s 9% and all web services provide these statistics. So you can bet your ass the porn industry knows exactly where their customers are so you can bank on the statistics, which also show that all of Europe watches less gay porn than the state of Texas.
It should be obvious that less outrage about porn actually relieves the issue rather than making it worse while the opposite is true about firearms.

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