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What nerdy activities do you enjoy? (gaming, cosplay, sci-fi)

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I love trying out new games on my sons XBox, some of them are pure escapism and with the amazing visuals, they can be an enjoyable way to beat the blues


I collect comic books and go to a comic con at least once a year.


You kids have no concept of "nerdy". I sew. I could sew you some awesome Cosplay gear. #godlessnana


I cosplay. Went to Anime Weekend Atlanta recently. I’m not too big into anime these days though...
I’m trying to get back into D&D. Just hard to find a DM these days, y’know?
I love movies and TV, live action or animated. I just graduated as a video production student with a focus in animation, if that says anything.
I even used to be president of the “geek club” at that college, ha!


I tend to get super into (some might say obsessed) with various tv shows and movies of all genres. I spend probably too much time on Tumblr lurking in various fandoms. That’s probably extra nerdy, idk.


I’m a nerd for.... old buses, trains and vehicles and will travel miles for exhibitions etc. Also Telegraph cryptic crosswords doing more than one a day which is now becoming difficult as I’m running out. Obsessed with QI and Have I Got News for You (tv programs).

mjpwl Level 3 Oct 20, 2017

I like sci fi movies. Some board games. Not into gaming really other than ipad games. Love the horror movies but not sure that falls under being nerdy, just bizarre.


I like D&D, though I don't have a gaming group. I also game on the computer. My current addiction is Neverwinter. I also love to read fantasy novels. R.A. Salvatore is my favorite author, so is Neil Gaiman.


Scifi movies - generally love them especially the current spate of Marvel superhero ones. Some video gaming. A fair amount of computer work building and designing websites, etc. I read A LOT - that's a nerdy thing to do nowadays, no?


I have a regular game group, meet once a week, also go see a lot of movies


watching the NASA channel and reading Neil Gaiman and Douglas Adams?

flora Level 3 Nov 4, 2017
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