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LINK Supreme Court justice won't block college vaccine mandate

I still hate Amy Coney Barrett no matter what she does.

barjoe 9 Aug 12

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I asked the Internet to explain how federal courts are organized.
The federal court system has three main levels: district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States, the final level of appeal in the federal system. There are 94 district courts, 13 circuit courts, and one Supreme Court throughout the country.
Each year, hundreds of cases are appealed to the Supreme Court. Each case goes to a justice for a quick review. Barrett opined that the students’ case would fail certiorari ( look it up. ) and stopped it. The other justices can reverse her decision.


How can Barrett alone block anything? She's a member of the Supreme Court not their Queen.

That’s just the first labor-saving step in getting to the Court. The other justices can reverse any one justice’s decision to block a case.

@yvilletom it sounds like the other justices must agree with her, yet she's getting all the blame. This is very inadequate journalism.

@Lorajay Translating legal prose into prose that non-lawyers can understand is a skill that’s not easily learned.

@Lorajay You mean she's getting the credit?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day!

All the pro lifers are mad at her because this ruling pro life.

@Barnie2years Allowing vaccine and mask mandates helps save lives. Prolife.

@barjoe I understand that, seem the anti women’s rights people don’t.

@Barnie2years Their body their choice unless it's women''s reproductive rights. Prolife only for zygotes, not those who have already been born.

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