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Seasons: How does the effect of the seasons, due to the earth tilting or ‘wobbling’ affect your personal perspective of things?

AstralSmoke 8 Dec 1

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Great youtube VictoriaNotes!


What affects me most are temperature and humidity. I love all seasons except summer. But, when I lived in a northern climate, su7mmers were also good -- especially in Berlin, where conversing with friends over a good beer or bottle of white wine midsummer daylight lasted from 2:20 AN to 10:30 PM It was great sitting at a sidewalk restaurant in full daylight until after 10 PM.

Germany is good all year round. I remember drinking Gluehwien at the Christmas Markets standing near a space heater. Good times!


fall back east is a melancholy time for me though it is beautiful. I like spring there better. Here in New Mexico fall is bright yellow and sparkly.Even as temps drop with the sun you can still be working outside in the 40s. HEre spring is a brutal season with high winds that create anxiety in a lot of people and lacks the time of planting and growth that makes springs in the east so beautiful

I can't really imagine the colors there. O'keefe painted some wonderful things, but I've never been there. I try to imagine it though. Here in the southeast, it's finally getting chilly, the leaves are falling, the autumn maintenance is almost finished. Hoping for a snow or two, but probably won't be delivered this year. We miss you.


Seasons? What are these "seasons" you speak of? I live in SoCal. I've been here 30 years and I still get confused by the lack of seasons. 😟

You think seasons are indiscernible in California try living in Hawaii. Palm trees decorated as Christmas trees in 80 degree weather detract from the spirit of the season!

I'm sure southern California has its moments. Personally, I like/need the seasons. It contributes to my rhyme.


I love the changes in seasons. It is a tangible reminder that things in life always change. I don't think it is an accident that seasonal metaphors are so common in our language. Specifically, I find three of the seasons to be very refreshing. Summer is just too hot, but it sure does make me appreciate the fall! If I lived in a colder climate, I would like all four.

Summer is normally too hot here as well. This year was very pleasant. Next year a different story.


Great question. It certainly reminds me of ‘the reason for the season/s’ 🙂 It triggers such a spectrum of change in nature that it’s easy to understand how earlier humans searched for various answers to such change. An admirer of Madalyn Murray O’hair, I’ll occasionally ponder her desire that there be ‘four world holidays,’ both Solstices, and both Equinoxes… Something to remind everyone we’re on the same planet ~

Varn Level 8 Dec 1, 2017

That's a practice I'd like to implement!

I have advocated a non-religious, 10-day, year end Federal Holiday for years counterbalanced with a non-nationalistic summer Holiday. Why not in Spring and Fall as well? Get rid of easter and all the flag-waving Vet's, Memorial, and Independence Days.

@GareBear517 Good luck with that one!


For me, since I have a healthy obsession with the natural world, it's confirmation that life on this planet has EVOLVED to exist with the changing seasons.

I was told god created each kind of life to be able to cope with the seasons

It's amazing to watch the migration of birds and insects, to watch the trees shed their leaves, and to wait on the yellowjackets to end their season.


I like very in northern New York, where we have winter, and then the other two months. I really hate winter.

That's the exact opposite of here. We have summer...then one month of something. None of us is quite sure what it is.

Maine was winter, mud season and fall pretty much

I've been to NY in winter. 4' snows and where are you? I lived in northeast Ohio and I swear the summer was only 3 weeks long. The winter was wonderful though, frozen rivers and noses.

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