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A lot of Trump supporters are treating themselves with an antiworming medicine that has not been approved by the FDA for human use. Not even emergency authorised use. If you see someone recommending this drug as an at home treatment, tell them to get vaccinated instead.


Word 8 Aug 18

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The article points out that humans, and horses, are very different and that a medicine that works with one may not work with the other. It however fails to point out, that parasites and viruses, are also very different, and that a medicine that works against one, may not work against the other, either.

Is there such a thing as double stupid I wonder ?

For Pete's sake you Americans !! What has happened to your education system, even a ten year old in the UK could tell you the difference ?

Our educational system is funded by property taxes. Poor neighborhoods with low taxes are in lead pipe infested schools, with poor nutrition, & questionable home life. It is a unfair, racially & class separation motivated. We are in the throws of not resolving our funding issues & segregation issues. Grappling with our inequities causes much unrest. How to address these issues democratically & fairly is an ongoing debate. Since Raygun began dismantling the safety nets of the federal government, our prisons have become our insane asylums, our veterans are homeless & suicidal, our
affordable housing is not affordable, our Defense department is awash in money they don't need & tried to refuse, the drug war is lost, the war on poverty is lost, the war in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, are lost. People can not even write a grammatically correct sentence here. Our infant mortality rate is inexcusably high as our obesity rate climbs above 50%. Very depressing.


It truly is embarressing.

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