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I’m all for ending the war, but sure as fuck had to be a better way to go about it.....πŸ‘€

Aaron70 8 Aug 23

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We should have started the evacuation IMMEDIATELY after the deal was signed in FEB 2020.
Why wait until the last minute, and be clueless about this ????

There was a NY Times article back in May or June, 2021. The "experts" and military intelligence they interviewed said it would it take the Taliban 6 months to 1.5 years to take back the country.

I wrote in to the comments section : LESS THAN 90 days folks.

twill Level 7 Aug 24, 2021

You’re the first person to comment on my post that had anything intelligent to say. Thank you!!πŸ™ƒ

@Buck []

I appreciate that Twill. However I read from every major news publication on a daily basis already, even many from foreign countries that print in English.
Truth is, it’s a bit depressing how many willfully ignorant unread know it all’s frequent this site.....
I made the mistake of thinking this place would be better than say FB, what a joke!?πŸ‘€

@Buck I get that you do. I thought it was another side to the story. I agree, everyone jumped your shit as if you were starting shit. I don't understand all of that


Let's have your idea, please. When you lose there is no easy way out. Do you think they could just sneak thousands of people out of the country without the Taliban noticing? The real secret to this problem is to QUIT GETTING IN TO STUPID WARS THAT ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN! Nation building never works. The people in every country decide what kind of country they want, just as we did with a revolutionary war and a civil war. This is the way it works.

You’re absolutely right that we should not have ever been there. But if we had made any effort to get β€œthousands” of people out before we yanked the military, maybe we wouldn’t have to try and β€œsneak” thousands of people out!? πŸ€”

Honestly, I don’t think the exit could have been done under worse circumstances if they had tried, it’s an effin joke is what it is....

@Buck Honestly you have no idea what you are talking about. They would have to get an estimated 100,000 refugees out of there. How do you do that unnoticed? Where do you put them if you did? Give me your plan. I am eagerly awaiting your plan.

I’m talking about the people that worked with our military and their family members that are presently being hunted like animals over there....and American citizens being hunted as well....not Afghan refugees fleeing from Taliban rule.

Truth is, our government didn’t anticipate the Afghan military offering no resistance and letting the Taliban take the country over in a weeks time and got caught with their pants down.....Surprise, surprise.....πŸ™„

And really, why do you keep implying we need to get people out unnoticed? Of course people will be noticed leaving, what’s your point?🀨

@Buck The truth is we are constantly sticking out noses in places it doesn't belong and it always ends up a mess,, with thousands of lives, mostly the civilian lives of that particular country, being lost; and trillions of dollars wasted for absolutely nothing. Our arrogance always backfires on us. I hope we learn from this, but I doubt it. You are right about the Afghan military, surprise, surprise. Again our arrogance.

@Buck My point is the Taliban will not let us get those Afghan people out who helped us and even some Americans out unimpeded. They are trying to stop them now. When you lose, and we have lost, there is no easy smooth path for getting out. When chaos ensues as it always will in these situations, it is a cluster fuck.

@Sticks48 My point is they would have had a much better go of getting folks out if they had done it BEFORE they pulled our military out? What part of that is confusing to you?
We barely have a military presence there now, of course it’s a clusterfuck trying to get folks out....πŸ€”

@Buck We didn't have that much military left there. We pulled most of them out months ago. We only had like a fourth of a division there and a large number of those support, not combat soldiers

@Sticks48 We had a fuck of a lot more there two weeks ago before the taliban began taking back cities!? πŸ€”

You just argue for the sake of arguing. Get a fucking wife or something.....

@Buck Thast is all you got? HAHAHAHA!

@Sticks48 At least I got something and I’m not ugly....😎

@Buck Actually you are pretty ugly and not very bright either. I can do this shit all day. The stupid are easy pickins' and even entertaining in a weird sort of way. Your turn.


Oh really, got any ideas on how to go about it???

My bad, I would just pull out hastily and let the chips fall where they may like we’re doing....carry on geniuses....

Certainly at the very least they could have given the folks that worked with our military and other civilians more time to get out of harms way, instead of leaving them to be hunted and slaughtered. I don’t think my expectations are unrealistic either....

@Buck Hunted and slaughtered??? Show me where that's actually happening......;.

@Dhiltong Do you own homework and turn off your TV. I’m not doing your research for you....

@Dhiltong I’m reading about it everyday....where the fuck are you living under a rock?! πŸ€”

@Dhiltong It’s so bad that our government has now commissioned private airliners to try and get people out. Hell there was a firefight at the airport in Kabul yesterday.....
You read anything or you get your information from your TV?! 🀨

@Buck I saw that, it had nothing to do them hunting down and slaughtering innocents. And the airlines aren't flying into Afghanistan, they are being enlisted to pick up the evacuated from the other countries where the military has been dropping them off. You're nothing but a reactionary fool....

@Dhiltong Rather be a reactionary fool than an ignorant one, carry on....

Since you’re too intellectually lazy to do your own homework as I suggested, I will attach the latest article today in regards to folks being hunted. You’re on your own after that....not that your willfully ignorant ass will do any research on the matter anyhow, you’ve already shown us that....πŸ˜‰

And should you feel the need to reply with more of your ignorance, you will get tossed in the circular file with the rest of the willfully ignorant fucks on here....πŸ˜‰

@Buck You’re hilarious, the bottom line here is what’s going on over there will have zero to none impact on my life so basically I really don’t give a fuck.......


no president yet has found a way

Found a way to what? Withdraw in some kind of rational manner?!? πŸ€”

@Buck exactly the victor is in control not the defeated it was lots worse in viet nam and that president did not give a shit or apologize


A war has to end with a ( long ) consolidate and rebuild stage, pulling out early is not even a war, it is just doing a lot of killing and maiming to no point, making everyone a lot angrier and leaving behind a raging state of chaos.


@Buck were you unborn for Vietnam? Losers do not get to look good in these circumstances, they must just make the best of it as they can.....
Did any other invader in any other country, Ever, (except by totally conquering like WWII) get to leave "neatly"????

@AnneWimsey I wasn’t expecting or asking for neat, just some kind of rational exit plan....🀨

@AnneWimsey As far as when I was born is irrelevant. The exit strategy for Vietnam sucked too....carry on.....

@Buck of course it could have been done better but biden is not totally to blame they asked some ppl to leave months ago and they stayed and now are trapped begging to get out there is lots of blame to share

@whiskywoman Never placed the blame solely on anyone, now did I.....πŸ€”

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