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LINK US Capitol Police - Officer Who Shot Capitol Rioter Ashli Babbitt Won't Face Disciplinary Action -CNN

He should get a medal of valor!

One person was asleep in her bed just before the police killed her, the other was trying to overthrow a government. Guess who GOP turned into a martyr?

barjoe 9 Aug 23

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The terrorist that attacked the capital should have been mowed down like the animals they were.
The moment something hit doors, glass, or police officers should have triggered continuous automatic fire until any bodies still in the vicinity were no longer moving.

Apparently we only do that if the perpetrators are Black, or of color. White boys get a free pass and gratuitous slap-on-the-hand charges.

@Lauren It's shameful, and they claim systemic racism doesn't exit.

@Willow_Wisp I never thought I'd see the day where we'd regressed so far that neither the entire GOP hierarchy nor their followers attempted to hide their intent to murder half the country. It's scary.

@Lauren It already happened in 1861, then we let them erect monuments to their traitorous leaders insuring that it had to happen again later. The reason makes no difference, don't worry, they'll make a reason.

@Willow_Wisp Indeed. 😟 And then they have the rest of us to gun down.

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