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Pandemic disrespect, selfishness and rudeness. How do you handle it?

Yesterday at Fred Meyer grocery store, men in giant pickups roared by without stopping for me in a crosswalk. I was trying to walk from the parking lot to the store. I feel tired of rudeness and disrespect.

I firmly held out my palm like a crossing guard. Next was a huge pickup. He hit the brakes. Establishing eye contact, I raised one index finger: "Wait." I was wearing a mask.

"I can see you!" he yelled as I quickly crossed to the store. "Bitch!" he yelled as he sped past.

What what is wrong with people?" I thought. This was after a hike where we dealt with vicious, unleashed dogs. I feel shaken and a bit traumatized.

Yes, it's hard for a Democrat like me to live in redneck Trump country. Especially during the pandemic. Lately I've been the only person wearing a mask in stores. It wears on me.

Clearly I need to buck up. Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 Aug 23

Enjoy being online again!

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The law here in South Africa is to wear a mask once you leave your home, the minute you enter public space, whether once or twice vaccinated. We are not allowed to be out in public without a mask. We're not over this virus yet. No-one said you'll be free from Covid-19 once vaccinated.


I'm the only one wearing a mask in my local grocery but I also purposely go at 10 at night knowing they close at 11 and no one is there. I had to meet a client today for a new assignment starting next week since my current one ends on Tuesday. I appear and they're all anti-mask. Sorry, boss, find another, because that one won't work for me. I now most likely will be doing a remote job....much better. The ignorance is incredible.


@Cyklone, @Robert_2001, @MrDragon, @hankster, @Larimar, @missrtuffy, @Mb_Man, @yvilletom, @Paddyperira @DenoPenno, @Marionville, @Unity, @Freedom41, @bobwjr, @Redheadedgammy, @Jolanta

Our culture has a lot of sexually frustrated males. Since I was wearing a mask and sunglasses, I became a faceless female. They spewed their anger and resentment at me. They blame women for rejecting them instead of taking responsibility for their own behavior.

perhaps they are angry at women because they weren't breastfed when they were children.

You bring up good points.

@MrDragon That’s a hypothesis. If it’s testable, please explain how. If it’s not testable, will you change it or drop it?

@yvilletom why? and NO!

@MrDragon Ok. Thanks for your quick and reasonable reply.

Having achieved a bit of political fame and infamy, I’ve written short memoirs about aspects of my life for relatives and a writers group. They bear titles such as “Becoming a US Navy Sailor”, “Becoming a Power Junkee”, and “Authoritarianism and I”.
I’ve been thinking of doing one titled “The Aggression Hormone and Me” and your post may have kickstarted me. Thanks.
Re your post, does Testosterone replacement therapy suggest anything?


Emigrate 😄


Hopefully more people will start wearing masks now the the Washington State mask mandate went in to effect today. I was at the gym today and only a handful of people were wearing masks. I would be very careful walking in front of a pickup in redneck country. Large pickups are very dangerous to pedestrians. Maybe you could move to an artsy liberal town like Port Townsend or Sequim that is in the Olympic rain shadow and gets little rain.


Sorry to hear about that, not much you can do, except do your best to stay out of their way, seems to be the trend these days. We can thank Trump for this shit, glad he's not in office anymore but we now have to deal with the ignorant after effect .


What gets me is the nurses who are refusing vaccines!!! WTF are THEY thinking???

You took the words right out of head, I am thinking the same thing! The consequences of the virus, death, consequences of the vaccine, a low grade fever for 24 hours. Don't have to be a genius to figure out which one to go go with.


I’m vaxxed and ask those who may be near me if they are. If they say they are not, I avoid them. I cancelled a dental appt for that reason.


I certainly agree with you and I do not wear my ask at all times. Usually it is around my neck so I can pull it up if told to do so. I tell people who do wear a mask to never let others put you down or argue with you for wearing it.

I am about to start wearing mine again and I am vaccinated. We are seeing roughly 200,000 new infections and roughly a thousand deaths a day here in the States again! It's crazy, and they say this vaccine may not protect us from the next variant that comes out, F for Fatal!

@misstuffy I know because vaccinated does not mean immune. Evangelicals should also know that wearing a face covering does not mean you are Muslim.


Well, nothing to do but deal with things as they are.


On the subject of vaccination and masking, in certain areas of the USA, it would appear there is a collective determination to prove how long the stupid can outrun the coronavirus…they seem to be playing chicken by deliberately going out of their way to avoid engaging any sensible precaution against catching it. It’s a badge of honour for them to not comply and they seem to view anyone who does as a cissy or a scaredy cat. This is deranged and mentally abnormal behaviour because it goes against the evolutionary instinct for self protection and the preservation of life.

As far as the rudeness and the lack of consideration, I expect that isn’t so strange or out of character for the kind of red neck Trump supporters it appears you have the misfortune to have to share your corner of the world with.


After four years of their leader encouraging this radical behavior it's going to take a lot of patience and selfcontrol to tolerate and hope they come to their senses.

Unity Level 8 Aug 23, 2021

Did you see where the Dumpster got booed at one of his own rallies by his followers for telling folks to get vaccinated. One of the very few sane things he has ever promoted.


I hear you. My gas station took 3 mos. of verbal abuse over mask mandate. I would have loved to use my come back with them and have my job. So calling the cops is the next best thing.


Just be careful these assholes can be dangerous

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 23, 2021

I'm sorry you have to deal with the idiots. I'm not sure how to deal with them and not end up on the receiving end of their rage. I don't have to deal with them here fortunately, Stay safe, it's getting really ugly out there.


Take good care of yourself and know that you are doing the right thing.

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