5 9

Tap, tap, tap.

GeorgeRocheleau 8 Aug 25

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means naught either way.


Or to put it another way: "if you've pulled that from where I think you have then you can stick it right back up there."


Sorry -- this is totally off topic but the picture made me think of Stoppy the stop sign. Ha, ha.🙂


The entire article on wikipedia is interesting enought to read. Here I will post only a small portion but recommend a reading of the link also provided.

Academic philosopher Michael V. Antony (2010) has argued that despite the use of Hitchens's razor to reject religious belief and to support atheism, applying the razor to atheism itself would seem to imply that atheism is epistemically unjustified. According to Antony, the New Atheists (to whom Hitchens also belongs) invoke a number of special arguments purporting to show that atheism can in fact be asserted without evidence.[17]


Yes, it's true, atheism illogical.

Word Level 8 Aug 25, 2021

A great maxim, sharp as Occam’s Razor! Yet today, adherents of all sorts of crackpot ideas have learned to mimic and “inappropriately appropriate” scientific ideas/methods, and so still try to lure us into their rabbit holes to refute their “evidence.”

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