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LINK Woman Carrying a Loaded Gun Attacked Police After Refusing to Wear a Mask

A South Carolina woman was charged after she attacked a police officer while carrying a loaded gun. The confrontation started when she refused to wear a mask at an aquarium.

When employees at the South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston asked Lisa Bostick, 56, to properly wear the mask that was around her neck on September 5, she told them to "f--- themselves," according to a Charleston Police Department report of the incident.

snytiger6 9 Sep 9

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No surprise there. I been told a number of times to go f myself over masks. Which we can call the cops directly instead of going through corp. red tape.


She needs to be jailed until she is no longer a danger to other people. She is also deserving of a good kicking in the head.


Right away I Knew she was white because they didn't mention that she was shot 20-30 times.

@AnneWimsey She pulled a gun on the cops and they didn't blow her fucking brains out? I bet she's white


She'd now be in solitary confinement for a number of felonies, including attempted murder, and would stay in there until SCOTUS said otherwise (if I were King). She'd also be nursing a black eye and lost teeth.


Hope that she is convicted!!!


Without reading, I am pretty sure that since she is alive, she is Caucasian. Now I'll read the article.

Alright, she had it hidden. Lock her up on felony charges.

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