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Do "nice guys" complain too much about dating, relationships, and love (or lack thereof)?

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ADistantShore 5 Apr 20

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The way I see it, the more complaining somebody does, tends to be equal to their alpha or beta status. Complaining is generally more beta in nature. You don’t get as much complaining from an alpha male. I’ll put the reminder in here, that alpha males are not the chest beaters. They are in control of themselves, and therefore don’t have a lot of reason to complain. A lot of complaints are about feeling out of control, being exasperated by that fact, and consequently whining about it. People that complain too much, are not very attractive. IMO. I think it goes both ways for males and females. The way I look at it, it’s not nice guys versus bad boys. It’s alpha males versus beta males. Alpha males are actually pretty nice guys. Beta males can be nasty, bitter, life has done me wrong, complainers. Again, all of this is just my opinion it does not have to be your truth.


Actually decent guys don't complain because they have no reason to. They don't feel their behavior earns them anything or makes them entitled to anything.


I'll let you know when I meet a nice guy.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 20, 2018

Maybe it's not the guys, but your choices in the guys you go out with. If l said all women were bitch es, you would probably not take that kindly, and you would be right becuase it would not be true. 🙂


I am told I complain endlessly, and I do.
I never stop, I bitch, whinge, complain and nag.
I drive people crazy with it.
It even drives school kids into completing assignments just so I will stop.


Some guys have all the luck,


You left out a possible answer: A heck of a lot less than a rude/pushy person.


I've found that self-described "nice guys" rarely are.

I have found that, too.


This one doesn't 🙂


I don’t think there is enough information given to answer the poll.


Complaining in general is pretty much universally seen as a low-status behavior. Anyone can identifiy a problem and whine about it. A quality person will either keep quiet if there is nothing constructive to be done or do something about the problem if it is within his/her power.

Nah. I'm going to disagree with you on that. Not speaking up about problems or perceived problems isn't a sign of strength. Being open and honest and willing to hear the other side IS. If you don't bring up issues there's no opportunity for dialogue. Furthermore abuse of all kinds thrives on silence.

@Blindbird I don't think we are that far apart really. I thinking about the guy who is constantly complaining about the weather, the food at every restaurant, how crappy his job is, etc. Seems like you are thinking more about issues/politics. I think an open and honest dialog about such things is always helpful.

I think you are absolutely correct. Well said.


Google incels to see where nice guy-itis leads. Be prepared for horror. Disclaimer "nice girls" are a thing too.

so are bad girls

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