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LINK Hear the calls Trump made as he tried to steal the election - YouTube

Wow. Trump tried to use the office of the president to steal the election.

snytiger6 9 Sep 14

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Of course he did. And like so much of what he does, he failed.


And yet, 10 months later nothing tangible has been done. We are still getting links like this of how corrupt he is and is still getting away with it.

I think, or rather hope, they are slowly gathering up evidence against him. Starting withe the people around him, to flip as many of them as they can, so when they go after him the evidence will be overwhelming.


No shock there. He knew he was screwed, but tried to cheat his way back into office. That bastard was worst example of a human being.


Hey...we all know that the only things repubs are interested in is money, and lining their own pockets with it.. The ONLY thing.


Interesting, CNN tries to spin this for those few Repuglicans who kept their oaths of office.

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