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Fauci says yes, FDA says no.
Which medical "expert" do you have faith in?
6 month old babies "need" the vaccine says Fauci. Really? Have they been dying?

PS posted in politics because like it or not, it has become a political issue.

powder 8 Sep 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I lost confidence in Fauci a long time. Probably about the time he became a Media Darling, the star of "All Covid All The Time " TV Channels ( all of them)

twill Level 7 Sep 19, 2021

I disagree, fundamentally. It is still, and always will be, a humanitarian issue. A very misguided religious idea has made it a political issue among them but, for the rest of us, this is about human life.


There shouldn't be any six month old babies.

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