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LINK Nobody hurt but much damage in Spanish volcano eruption

Lava flows from an eruption of a volcano near El Paso on the island of La Palma in the Canaries, Spain, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021. Lava continues to flow slowly from a volcano that erupted in Spain’s Canary Islands off northwest Africa. The head of the islands' regional government says Monday he expects no injuries to people in the area after some 5,000 were evacuated. (Europa Press via AP)

Lava flows from an eruption of a volcano near El Paso on the island of La Palma in the Canaries, Spain, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021. Lava continues to flow slowly from a volcano that erupted in Spain’s Canary Islands off northwest Africa. The head of the islands' regional government says Monday he expects no injuries to people in the area after some 5,000 were evacuated. (Europa Press via AP)

LA LAGUNA, Spain ✈ — Giant rivers of lava tumbled slowly but relentlessly toward the sea on Monday after a volcano erupted on a Spanish island off northwest Africa, with prompt evacuations helping to avoid casualties.

Long fingers of fiery red lava slid down hillsides with white smoke billowing from their leading edges as they swallowed up houses, gardens and swimming pools in a trail of destruction across the verdant countryside.

snytiger6 9 Sep 20

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At some point, they may have a much bigger island!

Depends on which island. One of the Canary Islands is set to break off a large chunk into the ocean like what happened to Maui a long time ago.

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