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LINK Horse tranquilizer crops up in overdose deaths around US | Live Science

Hmmm. We've pretty much hit the end of the road on the reasons to continue the EPIC failed "war on drugs" ~ so about every 90 days or so, a new danger lights up the internet.

As the opoid narrative slowed to a snails pace, fentenyl was added.

That was pretty much a bust for fear mongering, so here we are. Horse tranquilizers. 🙄

It's almost amusing to watch the 25-30 countries that have decriminalized all drugs and the some 93 countries that have dramatically changed laws regarding drug use/possession as they successfully decrease overdose, drug related deaths and addiction versus the USA and the absurdities used to keep feeding the police state and for profit prisons, etc., by continuing to foster an archaic ideology and grossly inaccurate portrayal of what exactly this "war on drugs" has done, is doing, and will continue to do.

What a pathetic state of affairs. #smh

(Some interesting stuff. 👇👇👇 Not only about decriminalized drugs, but other sociological things globally.)

SeaGreenEyez 9 Sep 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm assuming the xylazine is convenietly located near the Ivermectin at your local feed store.


Suicidally stupid is as suicidally stupid does.


Darwin wins again

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 21, 2021
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