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I doubt very much it will pass, but it's a start. Even states that voted in favor have seen the Republiturds do everything they can to delay sales.


When you take the profit out of drugs the criminals will leave.


Excellent news - just last night my daughter ventured into a shady neighborhood to get weed. It would be so nice tobe able to buy or grow it legally.

Nice part of living in Oregon, Washington or Colorado! Maine legalized but the dumb bastard Republican governor is doing everything he can to delay commercial sales.


IMO all drugs should be legal. Allow people to make their own decisions.


Not only do people get long uncalled for stretches in jail, marijuana is a helpful natural drug that helps a wide variety of diseases and illnesses.

If they're really serious about stopping the "opioid epidemic" they can start by getting people off of the drugs produced by big pharma that only treat the symptoms and not the cause.
Many help, but many do not.

The pharmaceutical industry doesn't want us to get better, they want us buying more drugs.
They're the biggest dealers on Earth.

Think of the revenue that would be generated if weed was legalized nationwide.

@Hope4US, tests are "being developed" to detect threshold amounts of impairment, but are probably a ways off. I think the fear is that arbitrary limits will be imposed just to have something in place. I'm with you on the issue of not wanting drivers and pilots, etc., high and out there. That was my primary issue when the legalization came up for vote.

@Hope4US Probably one of the biggest obstacles in the way right now.
A big plus for developing a better test is also money related.
Think of the local revenue generated by DUI arrests involving weed. Big money.


I saw that today on one of the news shows. I hope it gets support but I won't hold my breath.

gearl Level 8 Apr 21, 2018

On 4/20 of course.


It's about time!

ebdb Level 7 Apr 21, 2018
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