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Who likes......Pillow Talk ?

twill 7 Oct 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Pillow talk, sheesh, give me a break. I'm still trying to remember what sex was like, lol, having been alone on that for several years now, since my late wife became very ill.... Once or if, I experience pillow talk again with someone, I'll let you know...

ever consider pay to play ?

as for pillow talk, u could get a cat!

@HeAdAkE I talk to my dog & cat in bed all of the time....mostly the dog. Cat sheds too much hair

@HeAdAkE Don't feel rich enough for that, plus it could get addictive, but the real reason, my good man, is that I still have the archaic notion that it is not right to buy or rent people that way. I know that I have been wronged by women in the dating game, but, unlike you, I have not grown so callous as to see buying someone for sex as ok. Guess I'm just over sensitive that way. Maybe if this was a more progressive country, like New Zealand, where sex work was legal and not as exploitive, I could feel ok about it. If I had a cat, you're right, I would probably talk to it a lot, but I don't want the work, the mess and the smell to cope with..

Nice to see you back on the boards, man..I was wondering about you...


This guy!

Beat me to it!! LOL

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