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Next month, 11th, will be Remembrance Day. A day we remember those who were willing to sacrifice all so we may live our lives with basic rights.
Today, remember us who were also willing to sacrifice all so we may live our longer lives safely.

Don't think they would like the idea of having to check in everywhere whilst going about this new daily life within their own countries, within dictated restrictions the populace have earned.

powder 8 Oct 9

Enjoy being online again!

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You contemptible arsehole, comparing your trivial little inconveniences to that of giving up your life.


What is the real point of your rant? Please be more direct.


Hello Powder.
I will have to look that up. I have not heard of Remembrance Day. Will the kids be out of school?

@powder Thanks. That is the traditional date and time that Fasching (Karnival) starts in Germany. Odd.

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