They sued to erect their own monument next the Christian one.
Well, that is a warning sign that I have been seeing everywhere, theocracy progress, the constitution is being pushed aside, and is only used to establish Christians rights, everyone else goes to hell.
I believe going to hell is what Christians think other faiths want and deserve.
@LenHazell53 problem is if nobody wakes up that is what it'll be like living here. Just being under Sheria law.
@MrDragon Exactly like Sharia Law, the term actual means "The Only Way" or "The one way" with inherently religious connotations.
All religions know they can no longer bull shit people in to following them and so are falling back on the old tried and tested "way" of coercion by government sanctioned terror!
I give it another year before western countries are being pressured to put "blasphemy" laws back on the books disguised as woke hate crime laws.
All that can be done is to appeal…on all ten dismissed counts…which they say they will do. This is the normal progression for ANY similar suit, whether or not the Satanic Temple is one of the parties involved. It will probably take years to conclude the issue. But the good thing to come of the case, is the removal of the Christian monument from government-owned land, right?!
That and a lot of very wealthy lawyers