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LINK Pro-Trump candidate suggests taking 'all the boats out of the water' to lower sea levels - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism

Can you honestly say you are surprised?

The trump cultists are making The Onion more irrelevant every day.

BufftonBeotch 8 Oct 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Twin tenets of Philistinism:
Ignorance is Bliss
No Sense makes Sense


This topic can make me sad. I was talking to a friends recent high school graduate about the rise of the ocean. She said we should put the water into buckets. I asked where we put the buckets. This scared me as I thought more of a high school graduate.

You'd dump them in the storm sewer, silly! Duh.

I have heard people say things nearly that stupid.


Methinks he underestimated how much water there is


The alternative would be to just lift the continents.


They are so fucking stupid

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 12, 2021

didnt another one clam that land infilling along the coast contributed to sea levels rise?


Virginia has some reeeeally ignorant candidates. Unfortunately, some of them will probably get elected. Meanwhile, most of my friends in Virginia are working hard for the blue side.


Make more weapons to end wars!


And throwing ice cubes in, to reduce global warming.

Large ice cubes, small ones would not work.

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