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Enquiring minds want to know

Early bird or Night Owl?
Green acres or Metropolis?

annedoneal 6 Apr 21

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Both. Depends on the day. But as I get older I realize I sort of like the middle of the day the best. 🙂

And, I love being in the quiet of the country/suburbs but sometimes crave the excitement and options a city brings. Luckily, for me, I get to work in the city and live in the suburbs. So I get a bit of both.


400 pm is my high point


Habitually Night Owl/Metropolis. Do like to holiday on the other side, but wouldn't want to live there.


Green acres early bird, 100% on both


The 2nd option on both.


Early bird nesting in Green Acres.


Ugh. My sleep patterns are all over the place at the moment. I move between both. I understand having stable sleep patterns are a good thing. I'm working on it.

Oh, Metropolis. Obviously.


Night owl (unless I'm leaving early for a trip/event). I prefer nature and privacy, far away from people.


Green acres
Night Owl these days

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