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Does it bother anybody when you see someone clicking, like, on all posts & comments?

How do you if the person liked your post or comment or just trying to build points. Some just go down the list hitting, like, on comments even if the comments are pro or con opinions.

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PickledRick 8 Apr 21

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I often click to acknowledge a comment, not always necessarily because I "like" a post or reply.
The points system here has a purpose which works so well it's hardly noticeable to me anyway.


I click when I like something.

I click when I agree with something.

I click when I want to acknowledge to my fellow human being that his thought or feeling was heard.

I click to say "thanks" for taking the time to respond to me (or somebody else) - regardless of whether I agree with the comment.

I NEVER go on a click fest for points. That's utterly silly to me. I'm starting to wonder what everbody's obsession is with the points system. I guess, like most of us, everybody will finally get to a point that the level is an afterthought -- a thing for the "fun and games" category.

It really is not meant to be a contest. Really.


I will at times click them all, I read each one and consider my click their reward for contributing, long as they have done it without pissing me off they get a like... as far as points go, remember the post you like is getting points as well, never has upset me to get more people acknowledge my post, like a nod that we have that in-common, it’s how we build a community.


The lowest common denominator


I click "like" when someone has replied to a comment to show I have read it, or on a post that I like or believe was well thought out even if I don't agree with it, but do not have a comment to make. This amounts to many in a day.


Where is the " who has time to count the likes by any one person?"

I typically like any post I open and read to acknowledge that I read it.
I like replies to my comments for the same reason and I have upon occasion liked every comment made on a post I created.

I really do not care how many times someone clicks like

I agree about giving a like on a post I made to someone who commented. So should we have an icon that shows we read the post/comment indicating we thank someone for their post or were at least interested in their opinion. That might work.

@buzz13 Perhaps we will have that someday but when Im in a hurry, I just click like which can mean anything from I see this to I love this LOL

I suppose more options would lead to less talking/commenting


I just want a Goddamn t-shirt! ?

They gave away hundreds of them at the American Atheists convention in OKC. Choice of Black or Purple. They easily had the most popular vendor booth at the convention and also provided free drinks for that night's comedy show.

@ki-bee 8 l believe. ?


I think it’s subjective, that combined with whatever else they’re doing on here.

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