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LINK Canadian Soldier Turned Neo-Nazi Terrorist Sentenced to 9 Years in US Prison

Patrik Mathews, a member of neo-Nazi terror group The Base, is alleged to have been planning a mass killing when the FBI arrested his cell of neo-Nazis.

snytiger6 9 Oct 29

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The dude should have got a longer sentence.


I'm told he was well mannered and pleasant, though.

Hitler was quite a pleasure to be around to if you were part of his inner circle.

@Barnie2years That's what I hear. We are reminded of that by some of his lampshades in the rooms. We did not stop Adolph with kindness. There was no light of love vanquishing his darkness. There were bombs, spys, and bullets. There was Turing, a gay man, whom was rewarded with torture by his own nation. Let's drop all this kindness and start playing them. Q is a perfect start because they're are all (what's the word that fits...) insane. Fucking insane and obviously so. Stopping them won't be a public legal problem. If we don't then we won't be allowed to live. That should motivate folks more than kindness.

I think that was because he was Canadian.


Too bad they aren't handing out such punishment to the insurrectionists of Jan 6.

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