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LINK Lincoln Project Says It Planted White Supremacist Impersonators At Event For Virginia Republican Candidate

The Lincoln Project — an embattled group founded by conservative Trump critics — admitted to sending a group of people dressed as tiki torch-wielding white supremacists to a Friday event for Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin, a bizarre stunt days before Youngkin faces off against Democrat Terry McAuliffe in a closely-watched race.

snytiger6 9 Oct 30

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One thing Republicans excel at is dirty tricks.


This kind of activity is not going to help at all!

The Lincoln Project seems to have been successful even though their tactics hit below the belt. We find it distasteful, but Republicans are a different species.

Basically, they pretend to be on the same side and then catch them, republicans, on tape saying some pretty abhorrent things, and possibly admitting to criminal activity. Something similar was done to a GOP congressman who helped plan the Jan. 6th riots.

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