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Christian girl set alight after turning down Muslim man’s marriage proposal.

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Muslim village vapourized by christian bomb. pick your headline .


Sick fuck should be castrated.


OMG - what a horrible thing to do to someone! It's an interesting thing to think about how the report says the girl turned down the marriage proposal because she didn't want to convert rather than that she didn't like him enough to want to get married, or maybe she didn't want to marry for other reasons. It's also interesting it is implied that the motive for setting her on fire was because she wouldn't convert rather than that she rejected him personally. It's hard to know the motives of either person (although they report she says that is her reason). It's hard to know the importance of religion in other cultures. And another cultural/religious aspect to think about is the requirement that the woman should have to convert (as opposed to the man).


I'm very sorry for this girl. But, does it matter that she was Christian? Muslim fanatics ritually torture and kill Muslim girls...sharia law.


Thats pretty fucked up! but the real issue is 'girl set alight after turning down mans marriage proposal'
its not a religious thing but a patriarchal thing. always makes me a little suspicious when I see stuff worded like that

The way I see it. Islam is a patriarchal theocracy. Religion is the underpinning.

@Markus So is Christianity, and all the other major faiths when you look closely. They all contain rule sets for maintaining control over the labour of women and the products of that labour.

Yes of course they all are. I agree. Some more than others.

@Markus Dunno about "more". Currently having more say in their respective cultures certainly. Hinduism is proving no great shakes for women frex, but medieval Europe was no cake walk either.
(NB Laws restricting female banking activity in the nominally Christian Anglosphere were only repealed in the 1980s, and that because we were secularising, not because Christianity is less patriarchal.)


Pakistan has more Muslim fanatacism than, I believe, any other country. More even than Iran, etc. This is mainly due to the majority having very little education, and the girls even less.
That is why I find it disturbing that the USA gives so much financial aid to Pakistan, without demanding any educational reforms or improvement of the lot of the ultra impoverished majority.
Another part of the story, mentioned so casually, was the family's TEN children.

Amen to that, Petter!

the saudis have set up 2000 madrassas in pakistan [fundamentalist religious schools for boys] we pay for them by buying oil and we supply the saudis with arms to protect the family that provides all this evil

Were they planning to sell her ?

@markdevenish It is so saddening.



gater Level 7 Apr 21, 2018
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