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The more meat you eat, the more you will be closer to six feet under apparently.

Jolanta 9 Nov 3

Enjoy being online again!

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im sunk no hope for me

You too can change right now. Put that bacon back now.

@Jolanta oh hell no I love, love, love bacon

@Jolanta I know its not good for the planet but I love meat and im too old to change now

@whiskywoman well, how about having only one rush instead of two or three.


Becuz 1,500,000++ years of eating meat has made us extinct as a species........apes love it too BTW


Avoid red meat


No worries here

twill Level 7 Nov 3, 2021

After 12 years without eating meat at all, I have added in small amounts of red meat back into to my diet infrequently. I'm probably in the twice a month category for red meat. Glad to know I'm moderately safe from the ailments listed according to this study.


I haven't eaten red meat for over 50 years. It's not only bad for your health, but the environment, too.


My father died of colon cancer at age 51. I was 24. Immediately I stopped eating beef and processed and preserved meats, including ham and chicken nuggets. The meat industry suppressed publication of the studies. My mother was in the 50-year, national Nurse's Study, so she knew the research results.

In 1978, we knew eating preserved and processed meats and beef increases your chance of getting colon, colorectal, pancreatic and other cancers by 16%.

At age 24, I also stopped eating fast and deep fried food (a misnomer), donuts, pizza and other junk Americans love. Instead of eating processed crap, I cook at home. I don't miss it any of it.

I saw an interview with a nutritionist doctor a few years ago rating different fad diets.

The interview was asking which diets were healthiest and most helpful for controlling weight. And the doctor had only one rule -- 'cook your own food'.

As far as they were concerned, every other rule was insignificant next to that one. Ha ha.🙂

@RichCC My strategy is to realize that there are no diets. Just eating right

Good for you. I didn't become vegetarian until I was in my 40's. One of the first words I learned in Farsi was fes fes zu (slow poke).


We haven't eaten meat in twenty years
But we won't live forever.🤔
Everybody dies -- no exceptions. But I do hope we put it off as long as possible -- for our sake (whatever that's worth) and our society.🙂


They could be wrong, you know. I'm counting on that. Three times a week would be cutting way back for me.

@David1955 Of course.

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