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The beginning

If God created the world, what is the origin of god?
My conclusion is we don't have the answer.
I'm proud to be non religious.

Unity 7 Nov 4

Enjoy being online again!

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God of Spinoza and biblical text is viewing God and what we now call nature to be one in the same that has always existed. Nature as we scientifically understand it, creates itself thru a process we could start viewing on the atomic level where forces of gravity forces mass of hydrogen together to create larger atoms. As then, they say, we are star dust having come from those parts created in that phase of the cycle. From dust we came, to dust we return.

Word Level 8 Nov 4, 2021

There is only mass/energy and it cannot be created or destroyed, so it's ALWAYS been here, in one form or another.
Therefore, energy is god.

@Storm1752 in old testiment, ruach is a force like breath, wind or a storm. In new testiment greek Pnuema is used such as written, Jesus said about himself, that which is born of Pnuema is Pnuema. Pnuema pertaining to the force of breath that carries speach. Speach being a means of transfer of a meme. Theme of biblical text in modern biological view is Jesus is "son of meme", spoken into existence by the people of the old testiment. This is in part why the people of the old testiment were called gods by Jesus and old testiment laws of the nation of Israel. As written, Jesus referred to himself as "son of man". It was mankind, or the people that spoke Jesus into existence. The people speaking Jesus into existence makes for them to be creator-gods for creating Jesus.

Ruach and Pnuema translated into English as spirit does not convey the understanding of the original Hebrew concepts of the power of spoken words.

Theme for Power of the spoken words starts in the beginning when the "Almighty "(not specifically named Jesus) spoke and said, 'Let there be light ". In contrast, current scientific creation myth believes the first word was Bang and they theorize it was a big word.

John 1:1. In the beginning was the logos, the logos was with God and was God.

Logos from greek (the energy) of thought, word and speach.

@Word Thank you for that, but I'm afraid it's all too obscure for me. I tend to think 'Christ' is, if anything, not a physical being but a "meme," if you will, representing the indescribable lightness of being, our true selves. This is why I think it futile vanity to pretend it can be understood, described, and applied to human activity. I think it is meaningful to think of our identity, as we are now capable of perceiving it, as only the barest glimpse of what it truly is, and something only slightly in evidence in our thoughts and actions.
I don't KNOW that, which is why I'm agnostic. But there are enough indications that there is "something," to lead me to that impression.
I think by at least approaching a 'liberation" from the instinctive urge to "ground" myself in concrete concepts, it's possible to get a sensation of what a 'miracle' my awareness is, of matter and energy.
When considering the existence of life on "Earth," for instance, however imperfectly my five senses process the experience through my brains' need to minimalize it.
When I read about the myriad coincidences required to produce an environment, for instance, capable of of harboring and sustaining life, disassociating that thought from others "grounded" in, or associated with, labels like "atoms," chemical reactions, gravitational or electrical forces, etc., allow me to be filled with an awe I don't think I would otherwise be able to feel. IS it unique, given the apparent infinity of stars in this dimension? That would be hard to believe. Besides, there may be an infinite number of "dimensions," levels of vibration or whatever a dimension is, so it's hard to imagine if this the only 'reality' or not. But, who knows?
But I think it's POSSIBLE--not obvious--our perspective is limited. Or maybe, as the atheists think with such certitude, this is all an acciident, including us. I choose not to believe that. I choose not to believe anything.


God is an emergent property of the Universe. That is, the Universe of gullible rubes.


Agreed! And also proud (and relieved) to have abandoned faith. 👍

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