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I have never understood why society does not share such things as business and citizenship. Even if a person has committed a civil, tax, or administrative offense, why should he be deprived of business or rights to what he created?
I think this doesn't seem right. CEOs, marketers, and sales managers spend a lot of time on customer intelligence definition, strategy development, and profit increase. It is inhumane to take away a lot of work from them because of a small offense or a trivial mistake.
I hope that society will come to this opinion one day.

The loss of his business would not be directly related to his actions, but rather due to the costs and civil actions taken as a resulted form what he said and did.




He's a waste of oxygen.

Love the Lincoln Project.


Back to the drugs!


Hoist by his own petard. He either has an incompetent lawyer, or doesn't listen to him, because he's set himself up for significant civil liabilities.


if he spent more time with his pillows than kissing Trumps ass and coning morons out of money,etc., He wouldn't have this problem.


He'll probably make millions more bilking his delusional cult members out of their life savings, unfortunately.

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