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And sadly, the Dems are legend for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They could get behind programs that are massively popular with the electorate, but their puppetmasters won't let them. They get to shake the donation tree regardless of what part of the curve they're at. It's virtually the entire purpose of their existence.

WilliamCharles 8 Nov 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Absolutely true.


Nonsense. They had a $3 TRILLION "Build Back Better" piece of legislation ready to go, now cut to $1.75 trillion to get TWO votes, and it's still not finalized. Why? Not enough Democratic Senators, because not enough Democrats showed up at the polls in 2020, or too many Republicans did. And it's going to be harder than ever now because it'll be rigged.
So now what do you say?


Ha... Ha.... Snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? I fully agree.

The Democrat voters want to help... they give votes, give money, they give time, give support and volunteer time so their candidates can win but we have lousy, old, frail, ineffective, non-performing, indecisive and worst of all disunited leaders at the helm who keep failing us day after day.

Why do we have a slow walking, sleeping in world conferences, Parkinson and dimentia patient waiting for a state funeral at our cost in the White House? I want him out any which way.


Democrats never worry about the amount of spending.
When Democrats get in power, the Republicans worry about spending until they get back in power.
After about 4 years in power, the Republicans start spending like Democrats.

The only brakes stopping this fast train to national bankruptcy are those rare instances when Democrats are in power and the Republicans can score political points by worrying about the amount of spending.

BD66 Level 8 Nov 5, 2021

Yet both sides rubberstamp ever increasing pentagon budgets with nary a peep or debate. They give them more than they ask for! So them picking pets issues to turn the austerity screws on is disingenuous at best.

@WilliamCharles Democrats will bankrupt us on social spending. Both parties will bankrupt us on Defense spending. The spending in Congress is more of a threat than any other military power in the world.

@BD66 - social spending reaps rewards. #M4A saves money. And the amount spent on corporate welfare dwarfs individual social programs.

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