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French bishops recognise church ‘responsibility’ for decades of child sex abuse


xenoview 8 Nov 5

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Don't worry, I won't. However, another article about French clergy abuse was printed in the Seattle Times. One comment I noted: "...sexual abuse cases...that has emerged as especially charged in France, where the state long ago stripped the Catholic Church of its preeminence." Slowly, but surely, the church is being exposed and having to answer for it's misdeeds. []


Wouldn’t you just love to twist these bastards like a pretzel?


Like duhh.


Maybe now the world will start waking up to the true reason behind the Catholic Church. 2,000 years of graft, torture, greed and pedophilia are finally catching up to them. However, we need to worry about all the developing countries the church's are now moving into.

I wouldn't hold my breath.


uh DUH!!!
They think?????

Well perhaps the thought may have crossed their tiny often disused minds that it WAS them and not the Devil that is actually to blame.


Good BUT I sincerely doubt IF their Boss, Protector Of Paedophile Employees ( aka the Pope) will be so understanding and neither will the members of the Board of Directors of the Temple of Paedophilic Priests, aka the Cardinals.

This current Poop 💩 is little different from any other. He maintains good press relations and sounds like a more liberal thinker. He is a master at sound bites. When questioned about homosexualis, he answers, "Who am I to judge." Looks like he has no problems with that to an eager news world, but just like any other issue, he takes no action. He can condemn child predators and even kick out a couple aging bishops, but by god, he isn't going to accept church's responsibility as that costs money.

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