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LINK Reuters unmasks Trump supporters terrifying U.S. election officials

Amazing insight into the mind of 9 "Patriots", each of whom threated a gov't official with clear bodily harm and yet NONE OF WHICH has been prosecuted.

TheMiddleWay 8 Nov 9

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A great read . We are seeing that “Law Enforcement “ are Basically too Lazy to do their Jobs . How much of this MADNESS will we, as Americans, put up with before we take action . In a just world, these Idiots would be in a Jail Cell awaiting Trial .

GEGR Level 7 Nov 13, 2021

@TheMiddleWay Believe me, THEY ARE FUCKING LAZY .


why are they not arrested are they not terroristic threats??


Thank You Reuters! If not for free journalists, we would be So fucked !!!!!


And they will not be because our Democrat leaders are sissies. We call that as Democrats are decent or nice forgetting this is about the law and politics. If Democrats did this and Republicans were in power all these and more would be in jail and Republicans would have used it to win the next 10 elections.

It is embarassing to be a Democrat under these these weak, old, frail, nonperforming and uninspiring leaders.

Why do we always blame the enemy here and not talk about how weak our leaders are? Enemy's job is to hurt us and win. We are letting them do it well.

So You are saying to be as Fucking Crazy as the Republiturds . The fact is that the Reason they are Not arresting these Terrorist are The Fucking Police ARE JUST LIKE THEM . THEY ARE THEM !


Trumpism is an infantile disorder.


Fuckin cops! These guys are IMMUNE because they're trumpists.


Just more evidence that too many in this country are just plain stupid and totally inept. There should be a basic literacy test to vote.


I remember when everyone went fuckin' nuts over Kathy Griffin's bloody severed head (the head did look like trump). The FBI hounded her, venues canceled her, her career nosed dived. Personally I loved the image, was it over the top - fuck yeah. NO one went after trump when he demanded the death sentence for black teens who were innocent.
I remember when people went nuts when Samantha Bee called Ivanka a feckless cunt. I was disappointed when Sam apologized.
I just wish I knew what it would take to convince people our elections are actually some of the securely safest anywhere.
This sort of behavior is akin to the people who would intimidate black voters trying to cast a ballot during the Jim Crow years.
Sadly the intimidation continues to this day.

You summarized it all very well. I fully agree.


Sadly, this type of behavior continues and has trickled down to the most local of political levels such as school board and town council meetings. It’s as though people have become unhinged and no longer care about basic human decency and civility. As Lao Tzu so famously observed:
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”


Reuters have a brilliant reputable track record for fast-checking facts 👍

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