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LINK Josh Hawley wants to fix America's men. Good luck to him.

Hawley points to real struggles that men are experiencing, but fails to come up with ways to actually solve them.

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., isn’t even trying to be subtle about the fact that he’s desperately trying to woo male voters.

Hawley is right. Men as a whole are not doing very well.

In an interview with Axios over the weekend, the senator proclaimed he was going to make masculinity a signature campaign issue because men, a demographic responsible for about 90 percent of global homicides and 78 percent of reported assaults, in his words are being unfairly singled out as “part of the problem.”

This follows his impassioned speech at the National Conservatism Conference in Orlando, Florida, on Oct. 31, when he said, “Can we be surprised that after years of being told that they are the problem, that their manhood is the problem, more and more men are withdrawing into the enclave of idleness and pornography and video games?”

Hawley is right. Men as a whole are not doing very well. They’re more likely than women to fail at building friendships, especially with other men. They’re more likely to use drugs and alcohol and more likely to die by suicide. Also 86 percent of the people charged in the Jan. 6 insurrection are men. (Although given that Hawley himself was seen raising his fist in encouragement of crowds gathered outside of the Capitol before they stormed it, it’s worth asking if men should really be looking to him for advice on how to comport themselves as men.)

But instead of pointing to any actual policies that Republicans have implemented that have benefited men, Hawley offered empty promises — like not being mean to them so they don’t watch porn all day.

While he’s right that many men’s wages have stagnated, woke culture is not responsible. That we can attribute to a policy Hawley himself advocated for: former President Donald Trump’s tax plan, which transferred a considerable amount of wealth from the bottom to the top 1 percent. Hawley has also gone after higher education as the culprit when one of the main reasons male wages have dropped is men’s drop in education compared to women.

Of course men deserve to be supported by politicians who acknowledge how society has shaped their emotional and professional lives. But Hawley’s rigid views of masculinity reinforce the very pain he claims he’ll save men from. Hawley’s blanket refusal to have the hard conversations about masculinity denies the real struggles that many men are facing — and therefore prevents any consensus over tangible fixes to address it.

Hawley’s definition of a man as a father no longer applies to a growing number of men (about 40 percent) for whom fatherhood has become out of reach. (For Black men, who are six times more likely to be incarcerated than their white counterparts, parenting is particularly difficult, for example.)

But it’s not just the law and order principles that Hawley’s own party spews that make it harder for men to become fathers, it’s also his aforementioned stance on higher education. Less access to education for young men has meant that while single women's wages have remained the same over the last 30 years, single men's wages have decreased since 1990, and the most recent data we’ve seen points to the worrying trend of a surplus of single men.

Instead of pointing to any actual policies that Republicans have implemented that have benefited men, Hawley offered empty promises.

Putting aside the fact that Hawley doesn’t support men who watch porn actors but was apparently fine endorsing a man who bribed one, even the “solutions” he’s offering to men who are suffering aren’t rooted in a reality in which most men exist. Hawley points to efforts to dismantle sexism as examples of forces that are pushing men into the despair of pornography when research points to the contrary: that a refusal to engage in sexist ideology protects men from spending an unhealthy amount of time watching porn. In other words, men who believe in traditional gender roles and the idea that men should hold power over women are more likely to watch porn than the men who don’t.

So if Hawley really wants to help men free themselves from the tantalizing throes of pornography, he should join feminists — members of what he calls “the radical left” — who have been warning about the effects of violent pornography on both women and men for decades. Hawley points to real problems that men are experiencing but fails to see how the “radical left” has in fact been trying to actively solve them.

Hawley also may be promising men liberation from video games and pornography because it’s likely his porn-actor-bribing buddy caused many of them to flee the party. Trump’s own pollster Tony Fabrizio found that ​​the “greatest erosion” in 10 key election states, five of which flipped for Joe Biden, in the 2020 election was “with white voters, particularly white men.” Trump may have won because of white men in 2016, but he lost because of white men in 2020, which could explain why Hawley is trying to lay out so many thirst traps for them.

Men might be struggling, but they’re not stupid. Male voters should remain wary of the easy "fixes" to the system that politicians like Hawley are offering. If masculinity becomes a key message for a party worried about its relevance among men who are increasingly having flexible views of their own masculinity, we should all be asking for it to be backed up by policies that purport to accomplish the male happiness they’re promising to care so much about.

HippieChick58 9 Nov 13

Enjoy being online again!

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No one with a functioning brain stem would pay attention to that douchecanoe.


So basically, paternalism and machismo is waning and us poor men are feeling unappreciated. What a joke. Am reading a new Mary Roach book "Fuzz - when nature breaks the rules." On the chapter about elephants it has been shown most male elephants go through a period of heightened testosterone called musth. Sounds like some guys especially those on Viagra. People (women) are basically tired of all the crap from the ways things have gone and want to change direction (as we must if we are to survive). Years ago, when I lived in Seattle there was another idiot preacher who ran three mega churches and was on the same bent as Hawley. He constantly accused men of being 'chickafied' and cowtowing to their wives. Guess what, people got tired of all his stupidity and he is gone. These elephants become very dangerous and often need to be chained during this period. Might be a good idea for some politicians especially the conservative kind.

OMG!! I LOVE Mary Roach. I have read several of her books, and I guess I forgot about her. I just checked my library, and that book is there. I owned a copy of BONK and lent it to someone I had considered a friend. I never got it back. I don't do that anymore. Stiff was excellent, as was Packing for Mars. Fuzz has 28 holds on 11 copies. I am now the 29th hold 🙂

@HippieChick58 I still remember when I bought "Stiff." were had a day off from doing a work week at an old mountain lodge building a trail. We went to the 'famous' Leavenworth and I spotted it in a bookstore. Those around me thought it was morbid I was interested in such a book. I've read all her books and "Bonk" was recommended by a, what I thought a very prime and proper, librarian.


One side has always been about fearing and making people afraid. Feared the slaves would rise up and smite them (as slaves in Haiti did) and ruin the plantation life style the minority whites enjoyed because of slavery. Then seceded when even other whites knew it was wrong. Fear the freed black man and poor whites for they will vote for men who will have a government that will give them roads, schools and hospitals and have Jim Crow laws to condone the behavior. Fear women, well just cause, men liked them as furniture and quiet. It does not matter what they call themselves they will find a way to make people afraid, offer no real solutions except to vote against a demon they will ruin everything.
Today is it all fear we hear from the republican party, not one solution other than kill the liberal democrats. It ain't just men buying into it, women are right there next to their man. Just too damn sad to watch.


I more agree with Ruth Bader Ginsburg.....Hawley is just another GOP Ass


Hawley is a gutless wonder, supported the Jan 6th insurrection then hid it and denied it

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 13, 2021

Many men will fall for his solutions.


Come on they're rethuglicans, they've always run on empty promises and fearmongering..

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