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LINK Sisters Who Escaped Their “Good Christian” Parents’ Abusive Home Speak Out | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

It was only when one of the daughters escapes and called 911 that she was able to save her siblings.

snytiger6 9 Nov 22

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Monsters who should be jailed

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 22, 2021

Shit like this is so heinous that there never really can be any “appropriate” punishment.


Homeschooling sometimes allows monster parents to let the torment they are inflicting on their children to go undiscovered.
The kids in this story went to the same school district my kids did. So this really hit my heart hard.


These “children” will NEVER recover from this abuse. Some will probably end up joining mainstream or other religious cults, some will become substance abusers, some will become abusive partners and/or parents. It will be a genuine miracle if any go on to become well-adjusted humans.


A real tragedy. This is the worst example of religion being taken too far.

It's definitely one of them, that's for sure.
At least those kids survived.
There are myriad cases where children didn't.


I watched that Friday night.
It's appalling how badly the county and state continues to fail them.

They aren't fetuses.

@Beowulfsfriend The ones still in the system have been abused in some of their foster homes.
The older ones haven't been able to access many of the things they need. A lot of the resources they're supposed to have access to have been denied to them.

No, they aren't fetuses. However, they had NO idea how to navigate the world.
Even several years after their rescue, some of them are still struggling.

@KKGator My point was to say too many, especially evangelical repucks, don't care about people, children or not, unless they are a glob of cells. This whole country is a mess, living in a dying consumer economy while allowing the rich poor gap to widen. Spending too much on a bloated defense budget with the two longest unguarded borders in the world. Mostly, just being assholes and not caring about other humans.

@Beowulfsfriend Gotcha. I totally read that wrong. Sorry.

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