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My dispatcher at work left for good last Friday and went to his new job. I worked with him for 7 years and he had lots of corporate training but he always wanted to be a cop. He went to night school for this and graduated with very high honors. Most of us knew that he wanted to be a cop because his deceased father was a cop. I guess that makes sense.

I've got a deceased father that I never met. They tell me he was a piano player. He played in clubs in St. Louis. I like piano music but never wanted to play one. I also have a deceased stepfather who made airplanes in the Air Force and later at McDonald Douglas. After that he became a house painter. I have never wanted to make airplanes or paint houses.

Am I just being difficult or what?

DenoPenno 9 Nov 23

Enjoy being online again!

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No you aren't, he probably wanted to all his life many families have a history of doing police work for generations

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 24, 2021

Long may you continue to be difficult. The planet only spins because the difficult are running in the opposite direction.


No baby . U are u , not the ghost of anyone .


I think you are pretty normal, for people here at least.
Now, inquiring minds want to know, what kind of cop is that guy going to be?

He starts out in a small town called Gerald which is not far from where he lives. It's really just a wide spot in the road. They have had some problems there off and on with their police themselves. The county has stepped in to help. The way this looks to me is that my former dispatcher could end of chief of police before too long. He's a likeable guy and they liked his high test scores.

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