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LINK MAGA Cultist: Trump’s Base Won’t Support Him in 2024 Unless He Disavows Vaccines | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Trump's best action during his presidency was the "warp speed" vaccine development. His supporters want him to disavow that.

snytiger6 9 Dec 3

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Boy, on the one hand, would mean a lot of dead Trump voters. On the other hand, they would take a lot of innocent people with them. Never thought I'd see the day when half of America collectively lost their minds, but here we are.

Yeah, it has occurred to me that the majority of people who die will be Trump supporters, and with many elections beign decided by less than 1%, it may cause a few election surprises, if not in 2022, then in 2024.


"What vaccine...?"


He no doubt will, since he will pander to anyone who he thinks will bring him more votes.

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