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LINK Far-Right Proud Boys Plan ''Kyle Rittenhouse Appreciation' Rally

Proud Boys members are planning an armed "Kyle Rittenhouse Appreciation" rally in Utah on Saturday afternoon, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.

The "Stand Up For Your Constitutional Rights" event β€”which is being held at Washington Square Park in Salt Lake City between noon and 2 p.m. β€” is also co-sponsored by other right-wing militia groups in the area, according to the report.

A flyer of the event obtained by the outlet tells attendees to " bring banners, 2A flags and freedom flags" and to celebrate "your rights to DEFEND YOUR CITIES."

Hot chocolate and desserts will be available, according to the flyer.

snytiger6 9 Dec 5

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This country gets more fucked up by each passing. It's mostly Trumps fault.


SO that's what it was about. Kyle Rittenhouse was "defending his city" and he should be appreciated for doing so. We should be proud of him. He stood up for his Constitutional rights by being there during the BLM rally. Too bad this was not known or allowed at his trial. People wanna argue with me as to why this murderer was there. Let them argue with the Proud Boys and all these other groups sponsoring this event.

Imagine that some guy on this site wanted me to believe Kyle went there to see his father. Hey, man, the defense team could have used that one. πŸ™‚

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