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Prince Andrew, British monarch, is now callimg New York Child Victim Act unconstitutional. Hmm. Two things: 1) his remarks make him sound pretty guilty 2) when did he, a foreigner, become an expert on the US constitution, hell, most Americans don't know shit about it, including an ex-president.

Open SmartNews and read "Prince Andrew Calls New York Child Victim Act Unconstitutional" here: []
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Beowulfsfriend 9 Dec 14

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The Royals in general are all dispicable people anyway. He is just another one of them.


Of course he did it, he'll probably escape justice. I myself have some doubts about the constitutionality of changing statutes of limitations to include people previously protected. Forcible rape has no age limit or statute of limitations in NY so maybe they should amend the charges.

I have no doubt he will never be in a courtroom. He will, personally, never face up to any punishment. Even if a civil lawsuit were to ensue, he wouldn't pay a dime - if, and only if, he lost such a suit, at most the British taxpayers would be on the hook.


The royal family makes it obvious why inbreeding is a bad idea.

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