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LINK U.S. can get to 100% clean energy with wind, water, solar and zero nuclear, Stanford professor says

(The problems with nuclear energy is waste that remains dangerous for over 100,000 years, and that it is only profitable when it is subsidized by the government.)

A prominent Stanford University professor has outlined a roadmap for the United States to meet its total energy needs using 100% wind, water and solar by 2050.

Mark Jacobson, a Stanford professor of civil and environmental engineering and the director of its Atmosphere/Energy Program, has been promoting the idea of all renewable energy as the best way forward for more than a decade. His latest calculations toward this ambitious goal were recently published in the scientific journal Renewable Energy.

snytiger6 9 Dec 22

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This song was penned, around 1974, about nuclear energy and its fallout but applies very well to climate change, as well. It is one of my favorite song from Jackson.


“Subsidized by the government” = “subsidized by taxpayers” = not profitable = socialistic.

Until Jacobson visits and learns from [] he is uninformed.


I hope it's implemented before 2050.


Battery powered airplane from Chicago to Hong Kong?

BD66 Level 8 Dec 22, 2021
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