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Big brother watching Canadians. The American disease continues to spread!

Health agency spied on millions during Covid lockdowns []

FrayedBear 9 Dec 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Spying is everywhere. Another reason I don't go out. It is estimated that New Yorkers are on over 250 Closed Circuit TV daily.

Lol. So now you agree with RT!

@FrayedBear Yes. They certainly can report actual accurate news. But how reliable is this source for me.? It is not but it is for you. I enjoy alerting people who never think about the source. They are referred to as sheep. Of course RT will publish accurate reports. To maintain a sense of credibility. Then with the long view will sneak propaganda in. That is a propaganda tactic.

@Mooolah Lol. How you defend your irrationality obtained from a life of US propoganda & media reporting.
Are you familiar with Cipolla's 5 basic laws of human stupidity. You should measure your statement that you are not a paid CIA troll against the various definitions of stupid people.


Once again the source is RT or Russia Today. The propaganda arm of Putin the Poisoner holds no credibility with me. Nothing, zero, nada, HET from this source carries any credibility. This is how disinformation creeps into our mind set.

Are you paid by the CIA to troll on their behalf?

Are the Toronto sun and the National Post who among many others reported exactly the same story "Putin propaganda" Too?



@FrayedBear I wish. more $$$$

@FrayedBear, @LenHazell53 Absolutly not. But your cross checking shows that sources mean something for you. They will slip in a piece that others do not cross check. It is called "disinformation". I applaud your reasearch.

@LenHazell53 Surely you cannot expect an ignorant indoctrinated septic tank with cognitive dissonance to read those links, can you? 🥺😳😱🤬

@LenHazell53, @Mooolah $$$$ there are no pockets in shrouds and wooden overcoats don't let you put your hands in your pockets even if there were.

@Mooolah Thank you, what is notable, in this case, however, is who is NOT reporting it.
I can find UK, Russian, Canadian, Australian and many non-English language reference to the story, but apart from RT America, almost no US sources.
This begs the question of why? Does it not?

@LenHazell53 not when you're doped up with indoctrination, cognitive dissonance & street drugs. Am I right or right Len?

@LenHazell53 Is it a true story? Or an ignored story. Depends on what news source one frequents. . Corroboration. One with substantiated, trusted sources, who sometimes get it wrong. With the internet you & I could start a news source. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty". Believe half of what you see. & none of what you hear. Or read on the internet. Putin's "newspaper" is exactly how other despots infiltrate credible news sources which President You-Know-Who used to wedge American which was already wedged. Believe what you wish. I for one will call out the source when I see it. You can always block me if you are as naïve to believe Putin. Just I wouldn't believe what I read in Goebbles rags.


Big Buddy is watching you eh!

Looks like we have another member of the hate RT mafia mob . Or is it just another drug crazed yankee imbecile? Certainly her profile is disjointedly illogical as expected from a dope head. Did the CIA make her the millionaire?

@FrayedBear No. Not having children made me a millionaire. Worth $250,000 in 1970s dollars. So. Hate RT? IT is PUTIN. Trust an x KGB dude? Not me. Check your glucose level. Hugs!

@Mooolah you are selfishly pathetic and of no use to anyone other than your dope dealers/horticultural supplier.


We want your maple syrup Canadians! Hand it over..

The tar fields oil not enough for you?

@FrayedBear Doesn't go well with waffles.

I want a visa.


Canada has turned into a Communism country. Base on my experience traveled USSR

A mate of mine says that of most places - left wing woke America in particular!


My daughter is a Millennium woke movement person. Very hard for me to understand them.

@Castlepaloma There must be some tense moments.

Yes I will not ever, live with her in the same house again, Although she is the love of my life. Her best friend is a transgender guy who she lived with for 5 years. Woke group has old white males like me, as their no. 1 enemies. I'm innocent of all accounts, they Really want the greedy white guys.

@Castlepaloma I commiserate.

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