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Waiting for his funeral so I can go dance on this bastard's grave, maybe pee on it, too.


I don't know who could possibly give a flying fuck what that semi-senile old coot has to say. Talk about irrelevant.


Its all about the money... its a good living for him. I wish i had one super power like making things float or move. I would have some fun with these preachers. But then... Ild be no better then them...


Are you for real?


Excuse my language, but... what a fucking ignorant clueless moron he is. 😛


I used to go to summer bible school as a child . We would have to march into the sanctuary every day that had the words marching to Zion. I used to say marching to satan. I must have been a hell raiser.


You have to wonder why one would affect the other... And then what's the reason for male atheists...

Took a few for that to sink in, 42.
All I can say to that is YUK, EUUU, and BARF!

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