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LINK Family who lost grandma to COVID-19 asks people feeling sick to stay home, away from gatherings

Population statistics end up driving the ultimate outcome.
But door-to-door, individual actions matter.

RichCC 8 Jan 2

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Now multiply that tragedy by 800,000 plus.

I enjoyed and respected a certain historian/pundit, but I found out that he supported and endorsed Trump. Normally, he never discussed his politics, so I was shocked to find out, and forced to downgrade his reliability. In the fall of 2020, I heard that his mother passed away from Covid. I felt compelled to blame him and his Trumpy values; I'm sure they figured into her passing. It's sad. These people lose loved ones, but are so devoted to their hate that they haven't the humility to take responsibility for their stupidity. Shame on them, though I know they can't feel any. He laments the endemic animosity even as he stokes it all the more. Asshole.

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