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We have a bit of snow....

Lilac-JadeCanada 9 Jan 7

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Aren't you glad someone invented indoor toilets?

If not, I'd be inventing it in a hurry!


Be nice, f'n hot in Queensland Australia

puff Level 8 Jan 7, 2022

Hot everywhere in most of Aussie mate, Banana country (QLD) is mostly humid heat along the coasts, drier heat inland.
Then the further inland you go the hotter it gets, I have an old friend who is doing surveys in the Tanami Desert atm,, according to him and their instruments yesterday was a nice day, the mercury ONLY reached 49.3 Celsius and that was at 3.38 pm, then it dropped down to a 'comfortable (??)' 32.7 Celsius overnight.


Your very own ski slope.

Yup, bobsled, skeleton, ski jump, snowboard, & make the driveway into a rink!

@Lilac-JadeCanada Then there are the snow caves.

@Mooolah Yeah, that & igloos, but this stuff is too dry & powdery.....can't even make a snowball. It's minus 18C.

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