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LINK Man who purchased AR-15 for Rittenhouse reaches plea agreement

Isn't this fascinating?

Rittenhouse's Judge made it impossible to even be convicted of a low level misdemeanor, which there was proof of, and now, the guy that bought him the gun, is only facing a civil penalty.

It just makes no sense. The charges, the trial, the verdicts, the celebrity status.


SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 8

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Yes folks the latest episode in the ongoing Judicial farce "Law American Style"


The fix was in from the get-go....all you had to do was listen to that Judge's comments all thru the trial to know which way it was going to go.....


So he gets fined for procuring and the guy who used the rifle to kill two people goes free.


Don't even get me started on the corrupt justice system in this country.

I'm dealing with a particularly egregious case at the moment. It's not a life and death issue, only an appeal on a traffic infraction, but the corruption is so blatant it makes me sick to my stomach.


We have one of the worst and most corrupt judicial systems on this planet.

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