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Is It Wrong To Mock People Who'd Opposed Covid Vaccines and Then Died of Covid ? Why/Not ?

. . . Examples :


FearlessFly 9 Jan 17

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I don't mock them publicly, like on their social media page, but I do get a smug sense of "well they played with fire and got burned."


To use an old saying, " It's almost as much fun as watchin the hogs eat mah brother!"


We are all human and we all have little quirks that make us interesting. Unfortunately, many of us find it funny when bad things happen to people who do bad things and then have to pay the consequences. I have Tourette's and at times jump shake and bark out loud, it scares some people but I find it funny, I do not take myself that seriously and so if people laugh, I smile at them.


Most of the people opposing the Covid vaccines are doing so as a show of loyalty to the Republican fascist brand, and to the anti-science Christian cult. Both of these philosophies have shown themselves to be degenerate, immoral and hate-based. Those that die espousing these values uplift the remaining society by their departure. One may express condolences to those who foolishly loved these assholes, but in all likelihood, they are of the same mind. Sucks to be them.


One might compare (analogy? )

sports fans
religious fanatics
Darwin Award winners

If obese people knew that sitting on puppies, kittens, and children would kill them. And did it anyway.

If smokers had heard that second-hand smoke kills. And did it anyway.

If sports fans knew that people have died in their frenzied riots. And did it anyway.

If drivers drove into protests knowing someone may die. And did it anyway.

If religious fanatics knew their religious practices kill. And did it anyway. (Snake-handling)

If people have deluded themselves into not thinking about dire consequences for themselves and others. And did it anyway.

Yes, they deserve more than mockery, fuck them.

@nogod4me . . . you hit the double trifecta 🙂

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