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LINK U.S. Supreme Court leans toward Christian group in Boston flag dispute | Reuters

Jan 18 (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday appeared inclined to rule in favor of a Christian group that sued on free speech grounds over a refusal by Boston officials to fly a flag bearing the image of a cross at City Hall in a challenge backed by Democratic President Joe Biden's administration.

snytiger6 9 Jan 19

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Pete Williams thinks the city is likely to lose this one and I think he's got a great track record. But, if the pole is a public forum, and that's just not the general perception but true, then it's okay. Other flags will also get flown and people will lose the connection of flag to official govt endorsement. People will see the flags as just another ad.


The linked article, as such articles ALWAYS do, omits info that SCOTUS requires. Here, from Cornell University’s Legal Information Institute, is a miniscule bit of the missing info (bracketted explanatory info added).

…whether the First Circuit’s [the trial court] finding that the requirement for perfunctory city approval of a proposed brief [one hour long] display of a private religious organization’s flag on a city flagpole [which normally carries the city’s official flag] pursuant to a city policy expressly designating the flagpole a public forum open to all applicants with hundreds of approvals and no denials, transforms the religious organization’s private speech into government speech, conflicts with the Supreme Court’s precedent[s]….


As much as I would dislike it, the Xians could-well prevail (precedence) : 😛


Yea, the way they wrote it up, by my reading, even a racist flag could go up. They need to change the rules or take the extra pole down.
I expect if the xtions win, the Satanic temple will request their turn as well.

@Beowulfsfriend That's gonna be a Helluva flag. Eh?


That might get some christains off his back. Since, some of them see him as the devil.

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